This blog has come about out of the necessity to be understood; to try and illustrate, through words, the reality my daughter and I live. This is not an up beat blog. No cheerful stiff upper lip encouragement, or hopeful dangling carrots here. This is a chronicle of our journey through the hellish fire that is our lives. In writing this I wish to both illuminate and educate, as well as make available the latest in medical research and therapies. This is not a blog simply about Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility Type, but also about the multiple systemic diseases and conditions that go along with it. No, I do not have the answers, nor the cure, but I do have extensive experience with not only being chronically ill myself, but raising a chronically ill child at the same time, mostly on my own.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The gifts just keep on coming -----

The gifts just keep on coming ----- Spent nearly nine hours in bed curled up in a ball moaning and whimpering over an IBS flair (Irritable Bowl Syndrome) all day Wednesday the 30th. A lot like mild to moderate labor (even comes in waves, last for about one minute to five, with one to two minutes between bouts on average - FUN!). Major difference is that the pain is concentrated at the area of the beginning of my transverse colon, rather than all over the abdomine, as is true for labor. Did Bradley labor contraction technique for the spasms, still works like a charm. After 4 hours trapped in bed with this called my son-in-law, he came feed the cats, fetched me my codeine (risky, this slows down movement in the bowl) and water. Soon after, my daughter came and spent several hours taking care of me: Making sure I had something mild to eat, that I took my insulin, checked my blood sugar (the prednisone I am on right now for the fun visit to the hospital for Asthma last Monday, must be monitored for blood sugar rise every few hours), refilled hot water bottle, listened to me make bad jokes, made tea, and just visited. ..... so upside, got the gift of several hours of quality time with my daughter! LOL

We must count ALL our blessings!  ;-)


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