Okay, I have avoided this enough ...... here we go ......this has been a bare to write! Not only the shear volume of it, but the emotional ups and downs that it has triggered .... and the long delay all that has caused, but, for all that it is worth, it is now done ....
Some info to keep in mind as you read this list:
EDS-HT causes the malformation of the body's collagen. Different genes for different types of collagen:
"Collagen is the main structural protein in the extracellular space in the various connective tissues in animals. As the main component of connective tissue, it is the most abundant protein in mammals, making up from 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content.
Collagen, in the form of elongated fibrils, is mostly found in fibrous tissues such as tendons, ligaments and skin. It is also abundant in corneas, cartilage, bones, blood vessels, the gut, intervertebral discs and the dentin in teeth. In muscle tissue, it serves as a major component of the endomysium. Collagen constitutes one to two percent of muscle tissue, and accounts for 6% of the weight of strong, tendinous muscles." - Wikipedia.com
"Molecular Basis of EDS-HT: In contrast to the other EDS variants, the genetic defect underlying EDS-HT remains unknown."
"Clinical Manifestations: EDS-HT differs from other EDS variants due to the apparent paucity and nonspecificity of clinical findings ... In fact, the scarcity of descriptive manifestations" is due to "the actual lack of shared knowledge and general unawareness of the practitioners on the multifaceted manifestations of EDS-HT."
And now, the list ...
As part of Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility's multifaceted manifestations, My daughter and I suffer from and live with the following, as part of simply having EDS-HT. We do so either everyday, or chronically to varying degrees and recurrences:
First, you need to know that 'Pain' is our daily companion and burden. We have pain of all kinds: sharp, dull, aching, throbbing, stabbing, burning, pressure, nauseating, and more. We experience nearly all of these 'Pains' everyday. It is by far the most debilitating part of living with EDS-HT. "Pain manifestations are widespread and involve the musculoskeletal system, as well as the nervous system and internal organs." The following gives you the Where, How, and Why we live in such great pain:
1) Joint dislocations, with associated pain and muscle spasms - We have an "increased tendency [for] (sub)luxations, sprains, and soft-tissue lesions (e.g., bursitis, tendinitis, synovitis, tenosynovitis, and fasciitis)."
The above is true for my daughter and my self everyday. I started noticing this in elementary school, my daughter, in her teens, possibly earlier.
My first major dislocations
happened when I was 13 during a diving accident. I twisted my spine in
a corkscrew twist in mid-air, then hit the water horizontally in this twisted position. Being
so flexible due to EDS-HT I had nearly twisted 180 degrees around: Hips and
legs facing forward, and face, shoulders, and upper chest twisted nearly
all the way around to the back, just before I hit the water. It was like hitting cement, and it dislocated
multiple vertebra in my neck, upper back, mid-back, and not only
dislocated the last vertebra, L-5, in my low back, but caused it to twist to
the left, which eventually wore the disc down into a deep forward slant as well. The accident may also be when my Sacrum tipped upwards, giving me a natural bustle. Then again for EDS-HT sufferers, you can also be born with this tipped Sacrum. Hence the nerve damage in my left leg, and my limp I acquired in my early 20's, let
alone the searing sciatic pain all the way down my leg, and into my
groin. Some days it so bad that I literally drag my left leg.
As for my daughter, her shoulders are now permanently sublexated forward and will not stay in place when adjusted back into place. Her hips slip in and out of place everyday, and she dislocates several of her ribs on a regular basis.
In actuality, all our joints slip in and out, and often jam and lock in the sublexed position. Not just the major joints (i.e. hips, knees, elbows, ankles, wrists), but all of them, including all finger joints, all the little bones in our feet, when we take a step wrong, or just simply take a step. Our ribs go out if we sneeze or cough, or roll over in bed. My jaw was dislodged in early childhood until my Chiropractor moved it back into place 10 years ago. Now we have to move it back into place once or twice a year. Even our skull is misaligned on our spin and has to be moved back into place repeatedly. Our kneecaps not only pop up and over our knee joint nearly everyday (and we shove them back), but our shine bone and the small bone that runs along side it, slips out of joint, both at the knee joint and at the ankle and needs to be shoved back into place every few months. We have to be aware and careful of buckling or “giving out” of the knees, or the bending backwards of the leg at the knee, and hip joint snapping called Iliotibial Band Syndrome or “snapping hip”, or actual femur head slippage. I could go on and one with this never ending list, but I must move on .....
With all these dislocations, sublexations, and such, our tendons and ligaments, which are not only flexible due to the malformed collagen, they are also fragile, and thus tear easily (on both a micro and macro level) and cause constant swelling and inflammation. Imagine having tendinitis all over your body, 24/7, for decades on end. That is what it is like.
Along with what I just listed, we also deal with on a daily and/or recurring basis the following, due to sublexations and strained or torn soft tissue, especially the tendons and ligaments:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome - We also have chronic, recurring wrist dislocation of the small bones, and carpel tunnel pain as well. We have to be very careful in using our hands and wrists so that it will not become a permanent condition. It is a daily care we deal with. With my arthritis, I now have to move the bones in my wrists several types a day to ease the pain and keep my wrists mobile and usable.
- Fibromyalgia - Is a secondary condition when "hyper-extensive and usually unstable joints ... are quite common throughout the body. With such
hyper-extensibility, it is also quite common (if not the norm) to find
the muscles surrounding the joints to be a major source of compensation
when such instability exists." The muscles spasm in an attempt to stabilize the joints when they sublex. Some spams involve the whole or most of the muscle, but most seem to only involve small portions of the muscle, which in turn create tender trigger points all over our bodies. This creates chronic
Fibromyalgia pain, which for my daughter and I, showed up
at age 15.
- Temporomandibular Joint -
TMJ "dysfunction is reported in >70% of EDS-HT patients... Over the
years, TMJ hypermobility becomes complicated by clicks, arthralgias,
myofascial pain, masticatory dysfunction, and, eventually,
articular locks." As mentioned above, my jaw was misaligned in
childhood, but even though it has been realigned, I and my daughter still
suffer from chronic TMJ. Chewing is often painful, and can sometimes interfere with eating.
- Lumbar Hyperlordosis - "is a condition that occurs when the lumbar
region (lower back) experiences stress or extra weight and is arched to
point of muscle pain or spasms. Lumbar lordosis is a common postural
position where the natural curve of the lumbar region of the back is
slightly or dramatically accentuated. Commonly known as swayback, it is
common in dancers" Remember the "natural" bustle and the diving accident mentioned above. Also quit painful on a daily basis, and may contribute to much of my sciatica pain.
- Early Onset Osteoarthritis - I have been showing minor symptoms for the past decade, and now have full blown Osteoarthritis in my hands, feet, ankles, and wrists. My daughter is beginning to show some signs and symptoms.