This blog has come about out of the necessity to be understood; to try and illustrate, through words, the reality my daughter and I live. This is not an up beat blog. No cheerful stiff upper lip encouragement, or hopeful dangling carrots here. This is a chronicle of our journey through the hellish fire that is our lives. In writing this I wish to both illuminate and educate, as well as make available the latest in medical research and therapies. This is not a blog simply about Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility Type, but also about the multiple systemic diseases and conditions that go along with it. No, I do not have the answers, nor the cure, but I do have extensive experience with not only being chronically ill myself, but raising a chronically ill child at the same time, mostly on my own.

Monday, March 5, 2018




As of June 2017 this blog was moved to a Word Press site. This site is no longer up dated. To read new posts, and see original posts, please click on the link above.

Thank you for visiting this blog, and I hope to se you at the new site!

Lilith De' Anu